
WEbsite DEsign

Elevate your Taxi Firm with a Powerful Modern Website Design

Taxi Solutions your one-stop solution for modern, results-driven website design. We understand the challenges faced by small businesses and taxi firms when it comes to establishing a strong online presence. That’s why we’re here to empower you with a visually stunning, user-friendly, and strategically optimized website that will captivate your audience and drive more bookings like never before.


What Makes a website design, Modern & best For Taxi Firms?

A modern and best-in-class website design encompasses various key elements that work together to create an engaging and high-performing online presence.

Intuitive Navigation

UI/ UX Design produces clear menus, logical page structures, and strategically placed calls-to-actions to guide users through the website, making it easy to navigate and find desired information.

Responsive Design

Ensuring the website looks and functions seamlessly across all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Visually Stunning

Using striking graphics, compelling images, and thoughtful typography to engage & captivate visitors and convey the brand's message effectively.

Performance Optimisation

Implementing techniques such as image compression, code minification, and caching to ensure fast-loading pages and a seamless user experience.

Analytics & Tracking

Utilizing tools like Google Analytics to gather data, track user behaviour, and make data-driven decisions for continuous optimization.

Digital marketing strategies

Incorporating SEO techniques to improve search engine visibility and integrating social media channels for content sharing and engagement.

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

Franklin D. Roosevelt
work with the best

How We Build a website that works for your Taxi Firm

With our in-depth knowledge and experience, we take the time to research your target markets, and competitors to better comprehend the dynamics of your industry.

We believe that a website should be as unique as your brand. Our team of talented designers and developers will work closely with you to understand your vision, goals, and brand identity, translating them into a visually stunning website that reflects your business’s personality and resonates with your target market.

In today’s digital landscape, a modern mobile-responsive website is crucial. Our websites are meticulously crafted to provide an exceptional user experience across all devices, ensuring seamless navigation, readability, and functionality. With a mobile-first approach, your website will look stunning and perform flawlessly on smartphones, tablets, and desktops alike.

But to really have your website work FOR you, to generate business having a visually appealing website just isn’t enough; it needs to be discovered by potential customers.

Our team of SEO experts will optimize your website’s structure, content, and keywords, enhancing its visibility on search engines like Google. By strategically implementing onsite SEO best practices, we’ll help you climb the ranks and attract highly targeted organic traffic.

We understand the importance of local visibility for small businesses and taxi firms. Our website design service includes seamless integration of business listings and setting up a compelling Google My Business profile. With optimized business information and customer reviews, you’ll stand out in local searches and attract more qualified leads.

Check out Some of our Demo Taxi Web Designs

Top Tip!

To really super-charge your website we recommend a strong Social Media Strategy & Integration. To thrive in the digital era, businesses need an active and engaging social media presence. Our website design service includes seamless integration of your social media channels that resonate with your target audience. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other platform, we’ll ensure your website is fully connected, driving increased engagement, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.

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What People Say About Us

Taxi Solutions
Based on 22 reviews
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Mark Goldsborough
Mark Goldsborough
Owner Streamline Taxi
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"We've been with Taxisolutions for over 4 years now, their services and offerings improve year on year, as does our growth, an independent business assessment noted that our Taxisolutions designed website was very well built and as such was generating a lot of business for us especially from tourists and students."
Chantelle Brown
Chantelle Brown
SDS Construction
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"Our Yellow Pages website & SEO business package was costing us a lot for very little results, we were struggling to generate business. Although initially sceptical we signed up with TaxiSolutions within 3 months we were inundated with more jobs than we could handle!
I'm looking to hire an extra team now.. luckily TaxiSolutions could help with that too!"
Roxy Siddique
Roxy Siddique
Owner Crossley's Cars
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“5 Star Testimonials are booming! With Reviewmaster, and Social Media Marketing support from Taxisolutions, we’re absolutely flying here’s to another fantastic year!”
Rodger Bridge
Rodger Bridge
Owner Driven Taxis
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Love the posts you do thank you so much, I love the one Mark has just done showing how to use the promo code. Great work you guys very much appreciated!
Claire Welsh
Claire Welsh
Owner Wellman Cars
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"Another great find Taxi Solutions, Salman Zaidi & Mark Gallon are the team who can help your company excel in your customer feedback reviews. Ask me more about it or contact the team direct, you won’t regret it."